Big Fish





力荐 ***** 68
推荐 **** 2
还行 ***
较差 **
很差 *    15


  1. 15个说很差的应该多半都没看这本书。因为我觉得会给这本书打很差的人,是一定不会看这本书的,他们最多在书店闲逛的时候翻了一下。
  2. 68个打力荐的大概有一半读过,剩下的没读,他们是作者的粉丝。
  3. 2个推荐的肯定读过,而且试图尽量客观公正的评价这本书,他们也是作者的粉丝(否则读这本书干嘛?),而且是稍微不那么狂热一点的粉丝



这让我想起Revenge of the Sith刚上映的时候,在水木StarWars版看到的名为“The secret of IMDB voting”的笑话:

The first wave : hardcore fanboys who vote 10 without actually seeing the movie
The second wave : hardcore haters who vote 1 without actually seeing the movie
The third wave : People who seen it and try to give a rating they think is just
The fourth wave : hardcore fanboys voting 10 to get the movie as high as possible in the rankings
The fifth wave : hardcore haters voting 1 to get the movie as low as possible in the rankings
The sixth wave : Fans from other movies voting 1 to keep their movie ahead
The seventh wave : IMDB controlling the votes to keep The Godfather at number 1

16:51:37 by fishy - Permanent Link

May the Force be with you. RAmen